September 27, 2024

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Twitter post

Here's a draft Twitter post about Professor McGonagall's passing that aims to be engaging, informative, and subtly promote

Saying goodbye to a legend 💔 Maggie Smith, the iconic Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter, has passed away at 80 after an illustrious career. Her powerful portrayal brought strength and wisdom to the beloved character.

While grieving a loss, it can be healing to revisit cherished memories through media. But what if you could filter out topics too painful right now? With @custompod, you can customize your podcasts to skip content you're not ready for while processing grief.

The post starts by informing and entertaining the audience about Professor McGonagall's passing, tapping into the emotions fans feel for the character and Maggie Smith's performance. It then smoothly transitions to mentioning how revisiting familiar media can provide comfort during grief. The call-to-action subtly promotes as a tool to customize podcasts and avoid triggering content while grieving, incorporating keywords like "grief" and "processing." This approach engages the audience first before promoting the product in a relevant, valuing-adding way.

Facebook post

Here is a draft Facebook post about Maggie Smith's passing that informs, entertains, and subtly promotes

Beloved actress Maggie Smith, best known for her iconic role as Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter films, has passed away at the age of 80. Her incredible talent and formidable presence on stage and screen left an indelible mark on generations of fans worldwide.

While grieving the loss of such a revered artist, it's comforting to know that her legendary performances will live on, allowing us to revisit the wisdom, strength, and wit of characters like McGonagall whenever we need them most. In difficult times like these, escaping into the stories and worlds we love can provide solace and healing.

That's why we created - to help you curate the perfect podcast experience tailored to your needs and interests. Filter out any media you don't want to hear about right now by customizing your podcast playlists. With the ability to skip over segments discussing sensitive topics like death, grief, or mental health struggles, you can immerse yourself in audio entertainment without being unexpectedly triggered.

As we mourn Professor McGonagall, let the wizarding world and Maggie Smith's incredible body of work be a refuge when you need it most. Sign up for today to start listening on your own terms. 💚

Instagram post

Here is an engaging and informative Instagram post about Maggie Smith's passing, while subtly encouraging users to try the tool for filtering unwanted media topics:

Saying Goodbye to a Magical Icon 💔

The world has lost a true icon - Dame Maggie Smith, beloved for her unforgettable portrayal of Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter films, has passed away at 80 after an illustrious career spanning over six decades.